What is the pass guarantee?
Put simply, we guarantee you'll pass your exam. If not, we'll refund you the amount you spent on your subscription or we'll give you a free subscription for the duration of the original plan you purchased. You get to pick how we make it right. You must contact our support team within 10 days of receiving a failing score. The pass guarantee applies to subscriptions of three months or longer.
Can I share my login information and subscription with a classmate, colleague, or friend?
No. Acheron has a strict policy that prohibits sharing a subscription. You will lose out on valuable personal analytics for your test prep progress. Additionally, sharing a login violates our terms of service and can result in the suspension of your account.
Am I able to use a mobile device to access my subscription?
Yes, Acheron Review is built to be mobile-first and mobile-friendly.
Do you offer institutional subscriptions?
Reach out to us to discuss this option.
How do I save a quiz and resume later?
Acheron Review automatically saves your progress. If you wish to resume a quiz, click the "Resume Quiz" button.
I am interested in writing or editing content for Acheron. How can I learn more?
We're always open to expert contributors to work with our content team. If you're a practicing CAA or anesthesiologist, contact us.
How do I unsubscribe?
To cancel your subscription, follow these steps:
- Login to your account.
- Click here to manage subscriptions.
- Click View next to the subscription.
- Click Cancel.